Another one of my interests is leadership and personal development. I think opportunities to develop are all around us, based on previous experiences and from others who are well read in the area of leadership and organization.
I read a book recently title "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. Allen devised a complete system of collecting, processing and organizing all the "stuff" in our lives. He defines stuff as anything that you ever think of, from taking out the garbage, to presenting to a board of directors. He believes that when we think of something more then once we are wasting our time and adding to our stress levels. The human mind complexities is a terrible system to store information. For example if you have a flashlight with dead batteries, your brain reminds you that the batteries are dead when you need to use the flashing in the dark. If your brain were smart, it would remind you to get batteries when you pass them in aisle at the store. We need an external system to get things out of our heads into a trustful place.
Since implementing his system I have seen a positive effect on my productivity levels and sense of control over things I have to get done. I recommend this book to those who want to feel in control and get things done more efficiently and effectively.
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